the creed for sowing seeds
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The Creed for Sowing Seeds


I believe this is one of Earth’s finest moments

That the sun lifting yellows and greens into the life of tiny

Poplar leaves is much like God’s own Spirit of Love

Lifting life into me.


I believe that the Word of God has many times been

Planted in my life, often because of another who received

The seed in ready soil, brought forth harvest

And shared the goodness with me.


I believe that the call to be the Sower of the Word a privilege

And a blessing, that no one can ever earn the right or claim the duty,

That it is a gift freely given and a ministry

To be constantly celebrated in gratitude.


I believe that great things can come forth from even the

Tiniest seed planted in love

And cared for tenderly in the heart of another.


I believe that God knows what sprouting  and greening will come from the word

Planted through my ministry. I am content in knowing that I have tried,

With the Sower’s grace,

To seed that word in faith and joy.


I believe that even the most insignificant aspects of life

Can be the seed of God’s gifting,

That deeper faith can root  and mature in vary ordinary soil.


I believe that some dying of seed has to take place before it can give itself over to life,

That every heart has its germination time,

Its dark moment, before the future hallowedness of harvest comes.


I believe that it takes much patience to sow a seed,

To freely give it away to the earth,

To allow it to take root and to grow in its own good time.


I believe that my life will always know its season of hope,

That I will fine flowers after every finality of ice and snow,

That I will find green, growing things after every harsh,


I believe in the Sower of all seeds, in the God of Springtime,

Barren reign of winter’s rage.

In the Giver of all good and growing things,

My lord and my God!




“A man throws seed on the land. Night and day, while he sleeps, when he is awake, the seed is sprouting and growing; how, he does not know.”

Mark 4:26-28